December 2020
This year the Kaiapoi Maritime Heritage Trust agreed to loan the New Zealand Vintage Machinery Club the Wheelhouse and the engines from the MV Tuhoe five years after the ship ran aground at the Waimakariri River mouth in 2015.
These engines were built in the USA in the late 1930s by the Atlas Imperial Diesel Engine Co and designed to develop 120 HP at 650 RPM which made them ideal to power generating plants with hundreds being placed around the Pacific during WW2.
After the war many small ships ended up with them in and Tuhoe was no exemption having these two fitted in Townsville Australia on her way back to NZ after War service in the Pacific in 1945.
However now in storage with the New Zealand Vintage Machinery Club who intend to strip them down following them being in salt water and in time they intend to have at least one of them running in a proposed new engine shed soon to be constructed at their McLeans Island site.